Heirloom Yellow Lentils - 2lb

Product Code :

(01)8628870000 05 (15)150220 (10)140230

2 lb
Legumes- Yellow

Lentils, being one of the first crops to  be domesticated and cultivated, have been and continue  to be an importatant food source for over 8000 years. Through much of that time they have been considered the food of the poor people and referred to as "poor man's meat." The high protein content of lentil has made them a nutritious substitue for meat. Lentils are most important to the diets of Ancient world.


Nowadays, pulses are gaining more interest in the field of developing healthy and functional foods. Numerous articles critically reviewed the macro and micro nutritional components and bioactive phytochemicals of pulses and their beneficial health uses. Among these pulses, lentils had gained much interest with respect to their unique nutritional and functional characteristics. An accumulating body of evidence is growing nowadays on the health-improving and disease-preventing impact of lentils


Our lentils are grown in Great Plains of USA by small family farms.


The decorticated green lentils has it germ intact that makes the yellow lentil sprout and the seeds have a short cooking time.


Yellow Lentils 4Lb